RHIPE: R function reference

Package Information

R and Hadoop Integrated Programming Environment

Author: Saptarshi Guha

Version: 0.74.0

Date: 2014-02-19



RHIPE is a merger of R and Hadoop. R is the widely used, highly acclaimed interactive language and environment for data analysis. Hadoop consists of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and the MapReduce distributed compute engine. RHIPE allows an analyst to carry out D&R analysis of complex big data wholly from within R. RHIPE communicates with Hadoop to carry out the big, parallel computations.


Change Permissions of Files on HDFS


rhchmod(path, permissions)


is the location of the directory to be created. It is expanded using rhabsolute.hdfs.path

a character string such as '777'


Change permissions of files on HDFS


Ryan Hafen

See also

rhwrite, rhmkdir


Copy files (or folders) on the HDFS


rhcp(ifile, ofile, delete = FALSE)


Absolute path to be copied on the HDFS or the output from rhwatch(.., read=FALSE).

Absolute path to place the copies on the HDFS.

should we delete `ifile when done?


Copies the file (or folder) src on the HDFS to the destination dest also on the HDFS.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhget, rhput, rhdel, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave


HDFS File Deletion




The absolute path on the hdfs to the directory(s) to be deleted.

This function deletes the folders contained in the character vector folders which are located on the HDFS. The deletion is recursive, so all subfolders will be deleted too. Nothing is returned.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhput, rhls, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave, rhget


Retrieves errors from a job when debug=='collect' in rhwatch


rherrors(job, prefix = "rhipe_debug", num.file = 1)


Is the result of rhwatch (when read = FALSE)

Is the prefix string of the debug files

Is the number of debug files to read


Retrieves errors from a job when debug=='collect' in rhwatch


Saptarshi Guha


Execute a MapReduce Job On Hadoop


rhex(conf, async = TRUE, mapred, ...)


conf is a list returned from rhwatch describing the MapReduce job.

When async is TRUE, the function returns immediately, leaving the job running in the background on Hadoop.

See Details.

Additional parameters for system call.


When async is TRUE, function returns an object of class jobtoken.


Submits a MapReduce job (created using rhwatch) to the Hadoop MapReduce framework. The argument mapred serves the same purpose as the mapred argument to rhwatch. This will override the settings in the object returned from rhwatch. The function returns when the job ends (success/failure or because the user terminated (see rhkill)). When async is TRUE, the function returns immediately, leaving the job running in the background on Hadoop.


When async is TRUE, function returns an object of class jobtoken. The generic function print.jobtoken, displays the start time, duration (in seconds) and percent progress. This object can be used in calls to rhstatus,rhjoin and rhkill. Otherwise is returns a list of counters and the job state.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhwatch, rhstatus, rhkill


Check if File Exists on HDFS




Is the location of the file to be checked. It is expanded using rhabsolute.hdfs.path


Check if file exists on HDFS


Ryan Hafen

See also

rhls, rhwrite, rhmkdir


A function that returns a function to specify input/output formats


rhfmt(type, ...)


The name of the function handler

Arguments passed to the function


Returns a function to spec out the input output formats


The function returned must take 3 arguments 'lines', direction(input or output), call signature see rhoptions()$ioformats for examples on how to write your own.


Copying from the HDFS, moving files from the HDFS to a local directory.


rhget(src, dest)


Absolute path to file or directory on HDFS to get.

Path to file or directory on local filesystem to create as the new copy.


Copies the files (or folder) at src, located on the HDFS to the destination dest located on the local filesystem. If a file or folder of the same name as dest exists on the local filesystem, it will be deleted. The dest can contain ~ which will be expanded. The original copy of the file or folder is left on the HDFS after this operation.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhput, rhdel, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave


Initializes the RHIPE subsystem




Initializes the RHIPE subsystem


Iterates Through the Records of Sequence Files


rhIterator(files, type = "sequence", chunksize = 1000, chunk = "records",
  skip = rhoptions()$file.types.remove.regex, mc = lapply,
  textual = FALSE)


Path to file or directory containing sequence files. This can also be the output from rhwatch(read = FALSE).

Is it 'sequence' or 'map'. Ideally should be auto-determined.

Number of records or bytes to read. Depends on 'chunk'.

either "records" or "bytes"

Files to skip while reading the hdfs. Various installs of Hadoop add additional log info to HDFS output from MapReduce. Attempting to read these files is not what we want to do. To get around this we specify pieces of filenames to grep and remove from the read. skip is a vector argument just to have sensible defaults for a number of different systems. You can learn which if any files need to be skipped by using rhls on the target directory.

Set to lapply by default. User can change this to mclapply for parallel lapply.

If the keys and values are hadoop Text objects


Can be used to iterate through the records of a Sequence File (or collection thereof)


Very Detailed Job Information




The parameter job can either be a string with the format job_datetime_id (e.g. job_201007281701_0274) or the value returned from rhex with the async option set to TRUE.


Returns detailed job information across all TaskIDs


Kill A MapReduce Job




The parameter job can either be string with the format job_datetime_id or the value returned from rhex with the async option set to TRUE.

This kills the MapReduce job with job identifier given by job. The parameter job can either be string with the format job_datetime_id or the value returned from rhex with the async option set to TRUE.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhstatus, rhwatch, rhjoin, rhex


List Files On HDFS


rhls(folder = NULL, recurse = FALSE, nice = "h")


Path of directory on HDFS or output from rhwatch(readback=FALSE)

If TRUE list all files and directories in sub-directories.

One of 'g','m','b' or 'h' (gigabytes, megabytes, bytes, human readable).


vector of file and directory names


List all files and directories contained in a directory on the HDFS.


Returns a data.frame of filesystem information for the files located at path. If recurse is TRUE, rhls will recursively travel the directory tree rooted at path. The returned object is a data.frame consisting of the columns: permission, owner, group, size (which is numeric), modification time, and the file name. path may optionally end in '*' which is the wildcard and will match any character(s).


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhput, rhdel, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave, rhget


Load an RData from the HDFS.


rhload(file, envir = parent.frame())


Path to the .RData file on the HDFS.

Environment in which to load the .RData file.

value data from HDFS


Calls the function load after fetching an RData file from the HDFS.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhsave, rhsaveimage


This code, will chunk a data frame(or matrix) or list into sub objects, defined by chunks and then written to the HDFS across numfiles files. Thus if chunks is 10, and numfiles is 20, then a data frame is divided into sub data frames of rows 10 each and written across 20 files. In order to improve the R-Java switch, this is buffered, the buffer size defined by passByte(bytes).


Macro to Wrap Boilerplate Around RHIPE Map code}


rhmap(expr = NULL, before = NULL, after = NULL)


Any R expression, that operates on current map.keys, map.values and current index (given by k,r, and .index respectively).

An R expression to run before the loop across map.values,map.keys and .index. If map .values is shortened, make map.keys the same length!

An R expression to run after the loop. The results of the loop is contained in result


Returns an expression corresponding to given input

See also



Creates a Handle to a Mapfile




Absolute path to map file on HDFS or the output from rhwatch.


Creates a Handle to a Mapfile


Creates Directories on the HDFS


rhmkdir(path, permissions)


Is the location of the directory to be created. It is expanded using rhabsolute.hdfs.path

either of the integer form e.g. 777 or string e.g. rwx. If missing the default is used.

value Logical TRUE if success


Equivalent of mkdir -p in Unix


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhcp, rhmv,


Move files (or folders) on the HDFS (delete original)


rhmv(ifile, ofile)


Absolute path to be copied on the HDFS or the output from rhwatch(.., read=FALSE).

Absolute path to place the copies on the HDFS.


Copies the file (or folder) src on the HDFS to the destination dest also on the HDFS.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhget, rhput, rhdel, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave


Returns the output folder from a previous RHIPE job




job Can be a character indicating the string to a folder, or the result of call to rhwatch. For the latter, this works only read is FALSE (because if read is TRUE, the output is returned)


Returns the output folder from a previous RHIPE job Take a look at hdfs.getwd for more information.


Saptarshi Guha


Get or Set Rhipe Options


rhoptions(li = NULL, ...)


A list of options. Names of elements indicate the option being modified. Values of elements indicate the value the option is to take on. If NULL then a list of current rhoptions is returned.
See details.

Options maybe assigned values as key=value. See examples.

value rhoptions() returns a list of current options.


Used to set Rhipe options (called by rhinit for example). Most often called by a user to set a runner that starts the embedded R Rhipe executable.


One may set the following options specific to Rhipe and many options specific to mapred (not listed here but present in the Hadoop documentation).


Default values can be observed by simply typing rhoptions()

This is the launcher for the embedded R Rhipe executable used in MapReduce jobs. Often other options are easiest to set in the mapred argument of rhwatch.


Saptarshi Guha

See also



Put a file unto the HDFS


rhput(src, dest, deletedest = TRUE)


Path to the local file to be copied to the HDFS.

Path to the file on the HDFS. rhput creates the file at dest.

If TRUE this function attempts to delete the destination of the HDFS before trying to copy to that location on the HDFS.


Copies the local file called src (not a folder) to the destination dest on the HDFS. Uses path.expand to expand the src parameter.


Local filesystem copy remains after the operation is complete.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhget, rhdel, rhread, rhwrite, rhsave


Read Key/Value Pairs From The HDFS.


rhread(files, type = c("sequence"), max = -1L,
  skip = rhoptions()$file.types.remove.regex, mc = lapply,
  textual = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)


Path to file or directory containing map, sequence, or text file to be read on the HDFS. This can also be the output from rhwatch provided readback=FALSE.

Type of file on HDFS. Must be sequence, map, or text.

Maximum number of key/value pairs to read for map and sequence files. Maximum number of lines to read for text files.

Set to lapply by default. User can change this to mclapply for parallel lapply.

If the keys and values are hadoop Text objects

Files to skip while reading the HDFS. Various installs of Hadoop add additional log info to HDFS output from MapReduce. Attempting to read these files is not what we want to do in rhread. To get around this we specify pieces of filenames to grep and remove from the read. skip is a vector argument just to have sensible defaults for a number of different systems. You can learn which if any files need to be skipped by using rhls on target directory.

Logical - print messages about what is being done.

Additional arguments passed to the function


For map and sequence files, a list of key, pairs of up to length max. For text files, a matrix of lines, each row a line from the text files.


Reads all or a limited number of key/value pairs from HDFS files.


Reads the key/value pairs from the files pointed to by files. The source files can end in a wildcard * e.g. /path/input/p* will read all the key/value pairs contained in files starting with p in the folder /path/input/.

The parameter type specifies the format of files. This can be one of text, map or sequence which imply a Text file, MapFile or a SequenceFile respectively.

The parameter max specifies the maximum number of entries to read, by default all the key/value pairs will be read. Specifying max for text files, limits the number of lines read.

mc is by default lapply. The user can change this to mclapply for faster throughput.

Data written by rhwrite can be read using rhread.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhget, rhput, rhdel, rhwrite, rhsave


Save .RData to HDFS.


rhsave(..., file, envir = parent.frame())


Additional parameters for rhsave.

Absolute path to file on HDFS. Creates the file or overwrites.

Environment to search for objects to be saved it.


Puts the result of a save call unto the HDFS. It is useful if you have variables in the current environment you want to work with in a MapReduce as a shared object.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhsave.image, rhload


save.image to HDFS


rhsave.image(..., file)


Additional parameters for save.image

Path to file on HDFS. Creates the file or overwrites it.


Puts the result of a save.image call unto the HDFS. Useful if you have variables in the current environment you want to work with in a MapReduce as a shared object.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhsave, rhload


Report Status Of A MapReduce Job


rhstatus(job, mon.sec = 5, autokill = TRUE, showErrors = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE, handler = rhoptions()$statusHandler)


The parameter job can either be a string with the format `job_datetime_id (e.g. job_201007281701_0274) or the value returned from rhex with the async option set to TRUE.

If mon.sec is greater than 0, a small data frame indicating the progress will be returned every mon.sec seconds.If 0, it will return immediately. If Inf, it will wait till over.

If autokill is TUE, then any R errors caused by the map/reduce code will cause the job to be killed.

If verbose is TRUE, also provided is the state of the job, the duration in seconds, a data frame with columns for the Map and Reduce phase. This data frame summarizes the number of tasks, the percent complete, and the number of tasks that are pending, running, complete or have failed. In addition the list has an element that consists of both user defined and Hadoop MapReduce built in counters (counters can be user defined with a call to rhcounter).

If TRUE display errors from R in MapReduce tasks.}

is a function that gets the counters and job related information and you can use it to kill the job, returning FALSE, stops monitoring

A list of the current state


Returns the status of an running MapReduce job.


This function does something different depending on if it is used in MapReduce expression during a MapReduce task. In a MapReduce task use this function to REPORT the status of your job to Hadoop.

From the user side, this displays the status of a running MapReduce job and reports information accumulated about the Hadoop job.

The parameter job can either be a string with the format *job_datetime_id(e.g. *job_201007281701_0274*) or the value returned fromrhexwith theasync` option set to TRUE.


Saptarshi Guha

See also

rhex, rhkill


Serialize and Unserialize See Details.




An object to serialize or unserialize

A serialized or unserialized object


The function rhsz serializes an object using RHIPE's binary serialization. This will return the raw bytes corresponding the serialized object. If the object cannot be serialized, it will be converted to NULL and serialized. rhuz takes the bytes and un-serializes, throwing an error if it cannot. These two functions are also available at the R console. RHIPE uses the internals of these functions in rhcollect and rhread. The maximum size of the serialized object that can be read is 256MB. Larger objects will be written successfully, but when read RHIPE will throw an error. These functions are useful to get an approximate idea of how large an object will be.


The R serialization is verbose. Serialized objects have 22 bytes of header and booleans are serialized to integers. Best performance is achieved in Hadoop when the size of the data exchanged is as small as possible. RHIPE implements its own serialization using Google's Protocol Buffers. A benefit of using this is that the data produced by RHIPE can be read in languages such as Python, C and Java using the wrappers provided on the Google website.

However, a drawback of RHIPE's serialization is that not all R objects can be seamlessly serialized. RHIPE can serialize the following

  • Scalar vectors: integers, characters (including UTF8 strings), numerics, logicals, complex and raw. NA values are accepted.

  • Lists of the above.

  • Attributes of objects.

RHIPE can serialize data frames, factors, matrices including others like time series objects) since these are the above data structure with attributes.

Closures, environments and promises cannot be serialized. You may often get around this limitation by using the built in serialization present in R first, and then serializing that string via rhsz (or indirectly via rhcollect. For example, to serialize the output of xyplot, wrap it in a call to serialize.


Saptarshi Guha


Prepares,Submits and Monitors MapReduce Jobs`


rhwatch(map = NULL, reduce = NULL, combiner = FALSE, setup = NULL,
  cleanup = NULL, input = NULL, output = NULL, orderby = "bytes",
  mapred = NULL, shared = c(), jarfiles = c(), zips = c(),
  partitioner = NULL, copyFiles = FALSE, jobname = "",
  parameters = NULL, job = NULL, mon.sec = 5,
  readback = rhoptions()$readback, debug = NULL, noeval = FALSE, ...)


map is an R expression (created using the R command expression) that is evaluated by RHIPE during the map stage. For each task, RHIPE will call this expression multiple times (see details). This can also be a function of two arguments,the key and the value. Using an expression provides one more opportunity for vector operations.

reduce is an R expression (created using the R command expression) that is evaluated by RHIPE during the reduce stage, or it is a vector of expressions with names pre, reduce, and post. For example reduce = expression(pre={...}, reduce={...}, post={...}). reduce is optional, and if not specified the map output keys will be sorted and shuffled and saved to disk. If it is not specified, then a default identity reduce is performed. Setting it to 0 or another integer is equivalent to mapred.reduce.tasks=reduce

If set to TRUE, RHIPE will run the reduce expression on the output of the map expression locally i.e. on the same computer that is running the associated map after io.sort.mb megabytes of key, value pairs. See details.

WARNING: setup/cleanup may not run when you think when used with a combiner. We recommend only advanced users try to use both a combiner and setup/cleanup expressions.

Specifies the type of input. If a character vector then Sequence file input. If a numeric(N), the lapply input e.g the key will be from 1 to N. If a pair of numbers, then the key ranges from 1 ..N[1] and mapred.map.tasks is set to N2. See rhfmt for more examples and rhoptions()$ioformats. To get text input, specify rhfmt(path, 'text').

Similar to input. To get a map output format (after after which the user can call rhmapfile to query using rhgetkey), specify rhfmt(path, 'map').

An expression of R code to be run before map and reduce. Alternatively an expression with elements map and reduce e.g setup=expression(map=,reduce=)} and each of those is, ran respectively, before the map and reduce phases. See details.

As in setup except cleanup runs after the map and reduce phases.

This is one of bytes, integer, numeric and character. The intermediate keys will be ordered assuming the output key in the map is of that type. If not of the type an exception will be thrown. Tuples can be sorted too, see Tuple Sorting in the online documentation pdf (BUGBUG: What's this?).

Specify Hadoop and RHIPE options in this parameter (a list). See details and for Hadoop options go here.

This is a character vector of files located on the HDFS. At the beginning of the MapReduce job, these files will be copied to the local hard disks of the Tasktrackers (cluster computers on which the compute nodes/cores are located). See details.

Optional JARs that need to be used during Hadoop MapReduce. This is used in the case when a user provides a custom InputFormat. Specify the JAR file to handle this InputFormat using this argument and specify the name of the InputFormat in the mapred argument.

Distributed cache file on the HDFS to unzip and distribute to each MapReduce task. See Distributed Cache.

A list of two names elements: lims and type. See details.}

A named list with parameters to be passed to a mapreduce job.It can also be the string 'all', and all variables (whose size <= rhoptions()$copyObjects$maxsize (bytes) and the name of the variable not in rhoptions()$copyObjects$exclude will be automatically copied. If rhoptions()$copyObje cts$auto is TRUE (default), RHIPE will make an attempt (via codetools) to determine the called variables/functions and copy them automatically.

Will the files created in the R code e.g. PDF output, be copied to the destination folder, ofolder?

The name of the job, which is visible on the Jobtracker website. If not provided, Hadoop MapReduce uses the default name job_date_time_number e.g. job_201007281701_0274.

The parameter job can either be a string with the format job_datetime_id (e.g. job_201007281701_0274)

mon.sec If mon.sec is greater than 0, a small data frame indicating the progress will be returned every mon.sec seconds.

If FALSE, results will not be read back and insteat results from rhstatus is returned

If TRUE do not run, just return the job object

Can be one of count' which counts the number of errors but does not stop the job, 'stop' which stops the job (setting debug to NULL (default) is the same and is much faster) and 'collect' which collects 20 errors per split, saves them in files (inside the output folder) prefixed with rhipe.debug and does not kill the job. The maximum number of errors to collect can be set in the param argument to rhwatch, i.e., rh.max.errors=10 collects a maximum of 10 errors.

Extra parameters passed to rhstatus.

If the state is SUCCEEDED and total output size (in MB) is less than rhoptions()$max.read.in.size the data is read with a warning if the number of records is more than rhoptions()$reduce.output.records.warn. If rhoptions()$rhmr.max.records.to.read.in is not NA, that many records is read. This only works for Sequence output. Otherwise an object of length two. The first element is the data returned from rhstatus and the second is the data returned by the internal rhwatch() function.


Creates the R object that contains all the information required by RHIPE to run a MapReduce job via a call to rhex (see details).


Buffer Size
If a task consists of W key,value pairs, the expression map will be called ceil(W / rhipe_map_buffsize) times. The default value of rhipe_map_buff_size is 10,000 and is user configurable. Each time map is called, the vectors map.keys and map.values contain rhipe_map_buff_size keys and values respectively. If the objects are large it advisable to reduce the size of rhipe_map_buff_size, so that the total amount of memory used by a task is well controlled.
For particularly large map.values, the authors have used rhipe_map_buff_size as low as 10.

In RHIPE, each task is a sequence of many thousands of key, value pairs. Before running the map and reduce expression (and before any key, value pairs have been read), RHIPE will evaluate expressions in setup and cleanup. Each of these may contain the names map and reduce e.g setup=list(map=,reduce=) specific to the map and reduce expressions. If just an expressions is provided, it will be evaluated before both the Map phase and Reduce phase. The same is true for cleanup. Variables created, packages loaded in the setup expression will be visible in the map and the reduce expression but not both since both are evaluated in different R sessions (except when using a combiner).

Sorting and Shuffling
To turn off sorting and shuffling and instead write the map output to disk directly, set mapred.reduce.tasks to zero in mapred. In this case, the output keys are not sorted and the output format should not be map (since a map file expects sorted keys).

Using a Combiner
If combiner is TRUE, the reduce expression will be invoked during the local combine, in which case the output is intermediate and not saved as final output. The reduce expression also be invoked during the final reduce phase, in which case it will receive all the values associated with the key (note, these are values outputted when reduce is invoked as a combiner) and the output will be committed to the destination folder. To determine in which state reduce is running read the environment variable rhipe_iscombining which is 1' (also the R symbolrhipe_iscom biningis equal TRUE) or0' for the former and latter states respectively. WARNING: setup and cleanup may not run when you think when used with a combiner. We recommend only advanced users try to use both a combiner and setup/cleanup expressions.

Using Shared Files
shared is a character vector of files located on the HDFS. At the beginning of the MapReduce job, these files will be copied to the local hard disks of the Tasktrackers (cluster computers on which the compute nodes/cores are located). User provided R code can read theses files from the current directory (which is located on the local hard disk). For example, if /path/to/file.Rdata is located on the HDFS and shared, it is possible to read it in the R expressions as load('file.Rdata'). Note, there is no need for the full path, the file is copied to the current directory of the R process.

The keys and values can be arbitrary R objects. All the information of the object will be preserved. To extract a single key,value pair from a sequence file, either the user has to read the entire file or compose a MapReduce job to subset that key,value pair.

The keys, and values are stored as lines of text. If the input is of text format, the keys will be byte offsets from beginning of the file and the value is a line of text without the trailing newline. R objects written to a text output format are written as one line. Characters are quoted and vectors are separated by mapred.field.separator (default is space). The character used to separate the key from the value is specified in the mapred argument by setting mapred.textoutputformat.separator (default is tab). To not output the key, set mapred.textoutputformat.usekey to FALSE.

A map file is actually a folder consisting of sequence file and an index file. A small percentage of the keys in the sequence file are stored in the index file. Using the index file, Hadoop can very quickly return a value corresponding to a key (using rhgetkey). To create such an output format, use map. Note, the keys have to be saved in sorted order. The keys are sent to the reduce expression in sorted order, hence if the user does not modify reduce.key a query-able map file will be created. If reduce.key is modified, the sorted guarantee does not hold and RHIPE will either throw an error or querying the output for a key might return with empty results. MapFiles cannot be created if orderby is not bytes.

Custom Partitioning
A list of two names elements: lims and type. A partitioner forces all keys sharing the same property to be processed by one reducer. Thus, for these keys, the output of the reduce phase will be saved in one file. For example, if the keys were IP addresses e.g. c(A,B,C,D) where the components are integers, with the default partitioner, the space of keys will be uniformly distributed across the number of reduce tasks. If it is desired to store all IP addresses with the same first three ordinates in one file (and processed by one R process), use a partitioner as list(lims=c(1:3), type='integer'). RHIPE implements partitioners when the key is an atomic vector of the following type: integer, string, and real. The value of lims specifies the ordinates (beginning and end) of the key to partition on. The numbers must be positive. lims can be a single number.

Avoid Time Outs
To avoid time outs during long map or reduce expressions, your MapReduce expressions should report status messages via calls to rhstatus. In the absence of rhstatus and if mapred.task.timeout is non-zero (by default it is 10 minutes) Hadoop will eventually kill a lengthy R process.

List of Important Options for the mapred argument
These are all set with mapred = list( name=value, name=value,...).

  • rhipe_map_buffsize: Number of elements in the map buffer. (not size in bytes!) Control the amount of memory your map task employ using this.

  • rhipe_reduce_buffsize: Number of elements in the reduce.values buffer. (not size in bytes!) Control the amount of memory your reduce task employ using this.

  • rhipe_stream_buffer: .

  • mapred.task.timeout: If non-zero the number of milliseconds before a task times out.

  • mapred.reduce.tasks: If zero then no reducer is run and map output is placed directly on disk without shuffling or sorting. If non-zero, the number of simultaneous reduce task to launch.

  • mapred.map.tasks: The number of simultaneous map task to launch.


Write R data to the HDFS.


rhwrite(object, file, numfiles = 1, chunk = 1, passByte = 1024 * 1024 *
  20, kvpairs = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)


An list of objects whose elements are written.

Where to write(it is overwritten).

Number of files to write to.

An integer specificed to chunk data frames into rows or lists into sublists.

Buffer size for writing (see details).

If TRUE, object should be a list of key-value pairs. Otherwise, it should be a data frame or matrix (in which case NULL keys will be written with arbitrary chunking of the data).

Logical - print messages about what is being done


Takes a list of objects, found in object and writes them to the folder pointed to by file which will be located on the HDFS. The file dest will be in a format interpretable by RHIPE, i.e it can be used as input to a MapReduce job. The values of the list of are written as key-value pairs in a SequenceFileFormat format. numfiles specifies the number of files to write the values to. For example, if numfiles is 1, the entire list will be written to one file in the folder dest. Computations across small files do not parallelize well on Hadoop. If the file is small, it will be treated as one split and the user does not gain any (hoped for) parallelization. Distinct files are treated as distinct splits. It is better to split objects across a number of files. If the list consists of a million objects, it is prudent to split them across a few files. Thus if numfiles is 10 and list contains 1,000,000 values, each of the 10 files (located in the directory dest) will contain 100,000 values.